
Sifting Thyme - an otome game inspired by culinary shows

Created by Nochi

Romantic slice-of-life PC game about chefs, featuring GxB / BxB romance! [ Dating Sim, Visual Novel ]

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sifting Thyme now available on Steam
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 12:38:12 PM

Hello Sifting Thyme backers!

We're thrilled to announce we finally received the greenlight from Steam with the resubmission of the launch version of the game. Sifting Thyme is now live on Steam and keys have been distributed through BackerKit!

Rewards Status:

  • Other digital rewards (i.e. guides) will be distributed through BackerKit today through tomorrow
  • Physical rewards are scheduled to ship by the end of the month

If you have any questions or want to connect with us and the community, feel free to message us in our discord server

Thank you for supporting our team and helping to make the game's relaunch on Steam happen! We hope you enjoy the game 🎉

Anticipated Sifting Thyme Steam Launch
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:36:55 AM

Hello Backers!

We originally planned to have the Steam Launch for the game to happen today - as mentioned in our last update from last week.

However, we were anticipating that it would pass Steam's review as our prior submissions had been approved. Unfortunately, we received notice about two hours ago from Steam that our launch request has been rejected. We've quickly reworked things to meet their standards and have already resubmitted Sifting Thyme for their review.

Typically, it can take up to a few business days for Steam to process submissions. We'll make another announcement once this one - hopefully! - passes their inspection.

We're sorry for the delay and are hoping we can share good news in the next few days - our hope is it's a quick review and maybe will get the greenlight from Steam tomorrow. But worst case scenario, it would be Thursday/Friday. We'll make another post once we receive Steam's confirmation and keys have been released via BackerKit!

January Recap + Upcoming
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 12:37:22 PM

Hello Sifting Thyme backers!

Here's a recap of what happened in January & this past week for your convenience and we have some updates for this month as we inch closer to the launch of our game.

Recap from past emails / Discord announcements:

  • Beta Access has been ongoing for a month now, surpassing our initially planned 18-day early access period. We're ending early access this Friday (Feb 9th) at 12 pm to prepare for the official launch next week. If you would still like to partake in early access, please check your email for access directions that were sent back in early January! If there are any issues, please feel free to DM us on Kickstarter. Or for a quicker response, feel free to drop a message in the #sifting-thyme channel in our Discord server.
  • VIP backers should've received an email yesterday morning (Feb 5th, EST) on how to submit your in-game social media cameo. Please check your email inbox or DM us if you encounter any issues.
  • The Steam Launch will happen on Monday, Feb 12th - expect your Steam Keys to be released via BackerKit on Monday!


  • Other digital rewards (i.e. guides) will start being distributed through BackerKit next week
  • Physical rewards are scheduled to ship by the end of the month. We will be locking addresses on Feb 9th at 12 pm EST. Please ensure you update your physical mailing address by then to receive your rewards!

Thank you for your support in making this remake of Sifting Thyme happen for Steam! We hope you enjoy the game when it's released next Monday 🙏

If you have any questions or want to connect with us and the community, feel free to drop a comment on this post or message us in our Discord server. We can't wait to share the final product with you soon! ✨

BackerKit Reward Fulfillment Surveys + More
8 months ago – Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 02:09:54 PM

Hello Sifting Thyme backers!

We hope everyone has been having a good holiday season ❄️ As the year is wrapping up, we wanted to provide a quick update of what to expect soon:

  • We're still waiting on Kickstarter to collect and disburse the campaign funds. We hope to hear from them early next week! If all goes well with that, BackerKit surveys should be released sometime around Friday, Jan 5th. Please keep an eye on your inboxes (the same email as you are receiving this update). 
  • In the meantime, please check your emails early next week to cast your vote for the free soundtrack single as the reward for reaching the first stretch goal of the Kickstarter campaign! We will close voting on Tuesday, Jan 9th and will announce the winning soundtrack single in a future update.
  • While all the Kickstarter rewards logistic stuff has been happening in the background, we've been churning along with development. We're thrilled to announce that we've got a stable enough prototype that we've started prototype/alpha tests with ko-fi members this past week! (If you want in on the action and help shape the game early on + receive other perks, you can join our ko-fi membership here.)
  • We hope to start beta testing with kickstarter backers who have beta access as a reward/add-on around Jan 12th. This will allow beta testers to have 18 days of beta access before we finalize things to launch the game on-time in February ✨

If you have any questions or would like to chat with the us or the community, please feel free to drop a comment on this post or message in our discord server!

5 days left to go + giveaways & streams!
9 months ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 02:49:26 PM

Hello Sifting Thyme Backers!

We have 5 days left to go in our culinary campaign journey ✨🧁 And we're so close to hitting that first stretch goal where everyone will get a free original soundtrack single from the game! 🎶

Here are some things we'll be doing to celebrate the progress we've made so far and to help push the campaign through the final stretch!

  •  🎁 GIVEAWAYS - to further support the community stretch goal, we're launching a giveaway of prizes to THREE winners! The giveaway will launch Thursday, Dec 14th and be open until Saturday, Dec 16th at 10pm EST. You can join in by following our Twitter/X account here.
  •  🎙️ Live Stream Dev Update  - With the game being funded within the first week of the campaign, we've gone full speed ahead on development! We have a ko-fi membership stream tonight at 9pm EST where we will talk about what's happening behind-the-scenes and giving sneak peeks on our plans in 2024. We have another Live stream that will be open to the public on Friday, Dec 15th at 5pm EST where we'll talk about what changes are being made to Sifting Thyme for its redevelopment - and show some of the visual updates!

Thank you all for your support! We couldn't have gotten this far without your help - whether it be pledging to the campaign or even impactful actions like engaging with our social media content by liking/sharing our posts 💖

We can't wait to show you a better version of Sifting Thyme soon!